October 15th: FHE at the Bishop's House - bring your musical talents | SF FHE

14 October 2012

October 15th: FHE at the Bishop's House - bring your musical talents

We are in for a treat this week!  The Hansen's have opened up their home for FHE.  Meet at 7 pm at the church to carpool, or 7:30 at Bishop's house. If you are able to provide rides, please meet at the church first.

Where:  Sis. Hansen’s house
 120 Francisco St.
 El Granada , CA  94018
 Phones:  Bishop Hansen 650-519-3174; Sister Hansen 650-888-7434

Short Program:

Opening prayer will likely be 3 year old Andy McCallister, our grandson.  He won’t let anyone else pray.

Short Lesson:  Mason McCallister, age 8.  We think he is up for it.  He asks very good questions in his lessons, so be ready.

Activity:  Talent Show and Pillow Concert Sing-along
Bring your guitars and ukuleles or kazoos or Jew’s harps.  We think that Andy and Mason, their parents, and Sister Hansen will perform “Spooky Spat,” a Halloween song.  It is likely that we will all join is on some of the other hymns of the Restoration such as “Popcorn Poppin’ on the ApricotTree,” “Once There Was A Snowman” (all three verses), etc.  But, we also want to hear from everyone else who wants to contribute.  Bring a pillow to sit on.  

Closing prayer will likely be 3 year old Andy McCallister, our grandson (if he is still up). He won’t let anyone else pray.

This will be a blessing to gather together and have more fun.  Everyone is invited, including non-member or less active friends.